The Zombie Radio DJ ponders why the human race couldn’t have avoided the apocalypse when it had every chance to learn from its futurepast…and present!
walking dead
The DJ takes a moment to read from the Bible of the New World Order — I Zombie I. Listen closely, as silence may be the key to your salvation. Purchase your copy of I Zombie I and dive into one of the most personal tales of apocalyptic fiction you’ll […]
The Suffering And Silence
In which the DJ deals with a broken tooth. Cry with him, Zombie Radio Nation. Suffer through his pain and make him whole again.
The tooth of doom
The Zombie Radio DJ rewrites the lyrics to Silent Night to better fit the new world order. And to everyone in the Zombie Radio Nation — have a wonderful, warm, and safe holiday!
Silent The Night
The DJ gets a call from across the globe — a survivor with a love for life and the desire to make “crazies” smell like Chanel #5.
Laura and her gang of fun!
The DJ gets a surprise call from none other than Dr. Richard Gerand — he who claims to have the cure for what ails the human race. This is an snippet from the upcoming sequel to the Zombie Radio novella. You heard it hear … first. \m/
Torgo me Gerand
The Zombie Radio DJ digs up an old PSA from the fifties with a surprising theme! Get ready to duck and cover! This episode features the fantastic band Nothing More. Check ’em out…no…just go ahead and purchase their latest album, because it was the best piece of music released in […]
A 1950s Public Service Announcement

The DJ rattles off the top 10 reasons why you should be rejoicing that the apocalypse has come! Mu to the ha to the ha! Today’s band hails from Sweden. Meet Avatar! Purchase their new album Hail The Apocalypse on Amazon!
Top 10 Reasons to enjoy the apocalypse
The DJ implores his darkling audience to take back Halloween from the apocalypse! Enjoy the month of October one and all! Mu. Ha. Ha.
Take back Halloween
The Count DJula invades Zombie Radio and inspires a thought about the monsters of the apocalypse. Can I get a muhaha?
The Count’s monstrous apocalypse
The DJ dishes out another helping of zombie survival tips to help the Zombie Radio Nation arrive alive! Featured in this edition is a band carved from a stone called awesome. The Birthday Massacre is one of Canada’s finest goth-esque bands. Dig ’em and support their efforts by buying some […]
Son of Zombie Survival Tips

It’s the end of the world and the DJ is losing his religion. Give a listen and hear different religious views on how the apocalypse will come about. This episode features Concrete Blonde. Purchase music by this awesome 90s band from
Religion and the end of the world
The DJ ponders which bands and musical artists will survive the apocalypse. Is your favorite band listed? Listen to the ultra-sensual, 3D-aural-orama voice-only track by clicking the play button above or, if you’re oh so visually inclined, watch the video treat below!
Bands that would survive the apocalypse

The DJ ponders if the apocalypse is, indeed, the fix for stupid. This podcast spotlights Rush and their song “Chemistry” (you remember…the class you all failed in high school!) Get your Rush fix on now.
The fix for stupid

The DJ discusses the now-defunct debate about slow or fast zombies. On which side of the fence do fall? Or are you dead? Or undead? Today’s podcast features the band Red. Check them out on
Slow or fast is in the past
In which the DJ comes up with a few good post apocalyptic zombie titles of undead lovin’. Cue the groovy wackachicka.
A little undead wackachicka
The DJ ponders what tools he might have in his garage to fend off the undead horde.
Weapons of undead destruction

In the apocalypse landscape, the DJ proclaims Sex no longer sells. This episode of Zombie Radio features the awesome band, Tonight Alive and their song The Ocean from The Other Side. Support upcoming bands by purchasing their music and attending their shows. Links Tonight Alive website Tonight Alive on Amazon […]
Sexy Sells Nothing
In which the DJ reads an inspiring passage from the Blog of Bethany Nitshimi. Featured in the podcast is a small piece of background music written by Jack Wallen as well as the Caused To Be Alarmed by The Fixx.
My Zombie My
The DJ ponders the spine-shrinking thought of angsty teens running the world. Hit the Play button and enjoy…muh friennnnnnnndzzzah. Spotlight on The Human League song “I’m Only Human”.