the walking dead

The DJ ponders this question after a momentary lapse of reason. And for those survivalists out there, the DJ has a great tip on how you can KISS — keep it simple smartass. For those who’d prefer the auditory lovemaking that is undead-dolby-surround-mechaverse sound. Hit the play button below and […]

Was Frankenstein’s Monster a zombie?

The DJ addresses the one and only thing that matters during the apocalypse…and it ain’t Tchotchkes (or Chachi, for that matter). As an added bonus, watch the video and check out the DJ’s latest apocalypse survival tip. Otherwise, press the play button before and listen in perfecto-rama, aural-orgasmo-tron hi-def dolby-delicious sound. […]

Nothing else matters…apocalypse style

In which the DJ reads a sample from the blog of Bethany Nitshimi. Note: This is a piece from the first chapter of My Zombie My. Purchase your copy on Amazon. The City of Lights is crawling with the undead who care nothing for love or wine and are hell-bent […]

A taste of Bethany Nitshimi

The Zombie Radio DJ answers this question and then asks if you are Ready For The World. Don’t forget to watch the video of the podcast, with a special Apocalypse Survival Tip following. Or, if you’d just prefer the delicious, melodic, hyper-aural-tastic sound of the high-quality audio, hit the play […]

Would the eighties have survived the apocalypse?

That’s right, ladies and gentlement of the Zombie Radio Nation, TVs The Swedish Chef calls in to tell his zombie apocalypse survival story. Can. You. Stand. It? For those of you more inclined for visual stimulation, here’s the video of today’s broadcast. If you prefer aural stimulation, press the play […]

The Swedish Chef calls in

The Zombie Radio DJ offers up some possible disorders that might arise as a result of the Mengele Virus. Please note: This is, in no way, meant to make light of actual mental and emotional disorders. If you’re more visually inclined, please enjoy the video broadcast of today’s episode — […]

Apocalyptic Disorders

Hold on to your butts everyone, the Zombie Radio DJ has some very important information for every survivor of the Mengele Virus. After the podcast, continue watching the video for a new apocalypse survival video tip. It’s time to get yo fashion on while remaining safe from the bite of […]

A Public Service Announcement from Zombie Radio

The Zombie Radio DJ gets a call from zombie survivor Hewlett Fen-Chang with some interesting thoughts on how to survive the zombie apocalypse. After the broadcast, watch the Zombie Survival Tip video. About Paul Loh (creator of the Hewlett Fen-Chang character): I am a singer/songwriter/stand-up comedian/novelist. These are my vitriolic […]

A sniff of Hewlett Fen-Chang

The Zombie Radio DJ whips up a poem to the “tune” of Twas the Night Before Christmas. Zombie Radio Style! To the Zombie Radio Nation — I wish you the happiest of holidays. May your life be filled with light and peace. For those visually inclined here is the video […]

Twas the Night Before Crimmus

The DJ ponders how small the world has come and how the apocalyptic-inspired shrinkage of the planet has forced us to leave behind the trappings of hatred. Purchase the music by Niyaz (featured in today’s Zombie Radio) from Amazon here. Follow the DJ “off air” in the video, where he […]

The disappearance of hatred

One of the most evil words in the English language is adulthood — or so the Zombie Radio DJ says. How has the apocalypse saved us from becoming cogs in the machine of hate? For those more visually inclined, here’s the video of today’s podcast. If you’d prefer high-quality audio […]

Grow Up