[audio:bugout.mp3] Inspired by the Zombie Response Team’s Bug Out Bag suggestions, the DJ offers up his take on the BOB. [audio https://zombieradio.org/audio/bugout.mp3 |bg=0x0000ff|righticon=0xff0000]
.I Zombie: The Collection.
[audio:dino.mp3] In which the DJ ponders on where the Mengele Virus ranks among human (and Dinosaur) tragedy.
Man and Dinosaur
[audio:clones.mp3] In which the DJ ponders the idea of the Zero Day Collective and clones.
[audio:girl.mp3] In Which the DJ reflects on seeing a young girl on the sidewalk outside his window.
The Little Girl
[audio:squatch.mp3] In which the DJ gets a call from a big foot hunter.
Billy Bob: Squatch Hunter
[audio:anyone.mp3] In which the DJ gets fired up about firing up the Zombie Radio Nation.
When will we know?
[audio:evolution.mp3] In which the DJ speaks to the necessary evolution to survive the apocalypse.
[audio:buried.mp3] In which the DJ ponders if the dead will stay buried and brings back that lovely segment – Zombie Poetry.
The dead stay buried
[audio:fight.mp3] In which the DJ calls out to the Zombie Radio Nation to stand up and not let the race of man give in the the final entropy.
[audio:zombie_crush.mp3] In which the DJ ponders the idea of sexy zombies.
Sexy Zombies
[audio:bryce2.mp3] In which the DJs BFF, Bryce, calls in with a very special report. OMG! And for those of you who are video inclined — here’s the video of the DJ recording today’s broadcast!
The return of Bryce
[audio:zdc_bethany.mp3] In which the ZDC receive a poem and a rather dismal call.
A poem and a call
[audio:doubletap.mp3] In which the DJ gets an announcement about the first Apocalyptic Metal band being formed — Doubletap Suicide. Is it too early to celebrate mankind trying to pull itself out of the shit-hole known as the apocalypse?
Doubletap Suicide
[audio:cars.mp3] In which the Zombie Radio DJ expounds on a future where Fabio-like men and muscle cars rule the world.
Future cars and Fabio men
[audio:sacrifice.mp3] In which the DJ laments about sacrifice.
[audio:cats.mp3] In which the DJ chats about cats. LOL.
Zombie Cats
[audio:the_garden.mp3] In which the DJ shares a strange dream.
The Garden
[audio:drugs.mp3] In which the DJ laments on a period where humans were so stupid they created drugs to turn mankind into…wait for it…zombies.
Zombie Drugs and Stupidity
[audio:silence.mp3] In which the DJ deals with his lapse in broadcasting! Ooopsie!